I'm so happy you're here! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm 26 years old, born and raised in good ol Sarasota. Photography is my art and it's an absolute dream to do this every day.

I'm Olivia

Hello friend!

 Photos that help you remember how you felt.

Love,,  Olivia

Big adventure girl. I'm super spontaneous and LIVE for creating memories and "doing things for the plot." Traveling and getting out into the world is my soul food. I love experiencing new lives, new incredible landscapes. making memories in random obscure places- memories you normally wouldn't .I also love adrenaline. Fun fact: I've skydived, bungeed the highest bungee, swam with sharks, nile crocodiles and cage dived with great whites. I'm a down girl. I have two siamese cats, Sunday and Mr Pickles. They're perfection. I'm also currently engaged to the most perfect man in the universe <3

In terms of photography, it started when I was young. I was obsessed with taking photos with friends all throughout middle and high school. It's something I've always just naturally been drawn to. Memories are essential to me, capturing them in a photo is as close as you can get to freezing the moment. Creating this life where I am a photographer every single day is seriously such a dream. I find myself happy crying a lot in the car like a weirdo when I leave sessions lol.

My story

"Life is made of small moments like these"
Tame  Impala
Green  or  black
South Africa
favorite color
spiritual animal

The Quiz

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